Thursday, May 14, 2009

30-Day Shred – Day Nine

Today was the first day that I can honestly say that I enjoyed my workout.  I decided to start with the treadmill first…I walked uphill for 40 minutes.  Then I moved on to Jillian.  Since I’m still having a little trouble with the pulled muscle in my heel/leg (much better today, though!), I replaced the cardio jumping movements with other non-impact cardio. 

My workout took just over 60 minutes, and Grace entertained herself the whole time.  Of course, her idea of entertaining herself is taking every puzzle that we own and dumping hundreds of pieces all over the living room floor.  I guess that will give us a good project for the afternoon…sorting pieces and putting them all back together!

I think I was pretty pumped after I finished today because I made it through the bicycle crunches for the first time!  Without stopping!  Without putting my legs down!  For me, that was a big deal. 

Baby steps.


Anonymous said...

way to go! i'm impressed that you've been able to do this without taking a day doesn't seem like many people actually make it 30 days straight. good job!

Kim H. said...

You are rocking this! Keep up the GREAT work... I'm so impressed!

Audra said...

Great job Joanna. I'm starting back tomorrow. I obviously didn't make it 30 days in a row but I'm going to try and get back on track.

Elspeth said...

Great job! You inspired me today.