Sunday, May 24, 2009

30-Day Shred – Day 19

Well, today I took another day off.  I don’t feel too guilty considering that today is the Lord’s Day and is really supposed to be a day of rest.  Last Sunday I felt a bit strange getting up and doing my workout routine before church.  It didn’t feel like I was focusing on the right thing.  So I decided last week that I wouldn’t do it again. 

There’s plenty of ways to stay active on Sundays without doing my regular exercise program…walks with the family, playing in the backyard with Grace, swimming in the pool, etc.  And I like the idea of keeping Sunday as a special day, set apart from the rest of the days of the week to allow me to focus on worship and family time. 

Unfortunately, we really couldn’t do anything fun outside after church because it rained all afternoon!  It looks like we might have a rainy Memorial Day, too.  Bummer!

1 comment:

Kim H. said...

I agree - I have a hard time working out on Sundays too because it just doesn't feel right. :-)