Wednesday, August 20, 2008

Rainy Days

Lately, the weather here in Texas has been very uncharacteristic of August. It has rained every day for the past week, and forecasters predict rain for the next nine days! While I certainly don't mind the wet weather and the lower temperatures that it brings, Grace has been rather bored. We haven't been able to swim, play ball outside, climb/slide on her outdoor playset, play with the sidewalk chalk, or ride her tricycle.

I've had to get more creative lately with indoor projects like cooking, painting, and crafts. Today I decided to switch things up a little bit in the house. Grace has three main play areas: family room, play room, and her bedroom. Her toys are divided up to have a permanent home in one of these three areas. This afternoon, I moved toys upstairs that I've only allowed her to play with downstairs and vice versa.

It was so funny to watch Grace play with her toys in a new was like she had never seen them before! In the family room she was excitedly saying, "Look mama! It's a dollhouse! It's a REAL dollhouse!" (Like she hasn't played with it every day in her bedroom). This went on and on about each toy I relocated.

Why haven't I learned this trick before????

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