Friday, August 22, 2008

Lazy Day

Grace didn't sleep well last night, and she has been lathargic today. Due to a slight fever, I believe that she has caught a little bug. I knew something was wrong when I offered to take her to the park this morning and she didn't even want to get off the couch! So, we've just had a quiet and lazy day.....books, movies, and chicken soup for lunch. She is now napping and I'm taking a break from copying recipes from the latest issue of Southern Living.

Although I am concerned that Grace is sick, I'll admit that I enjoy slow days like today. It is fun to cozy up with her under a blanket on the couch and discuss all the troubles that Cinderella is having now that the evil stepmother has stolen the magic wand (Cinderella III: A Twist in Time).

I'm not ashamed to take advantage of her willingness to sit in my lap longer than 30 seconds!

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

she probably wore herself out yesterday! It's God's graceful way of saying "no, don't kill them, it'll get better". Thankfully, it's the way he often feels about us.