Saturday, November 8, 2008

Living Simply Saturdays

I read a powerful post this week on the subject of living simply. The author spoke of seemingly harmless indulgences (in her case, coffee) that temporarily fill our desires while ignoring our deepest needs.

Even seemingly simple things can become substitutes for trusting in God alone to take care of us. This article was very convicting for me. How many times over the years have I done/bought/eaten something that I didn't need just because I had a bad day or "deserved" it after something stressful happened? Instead of praying and casting my burdens upon the One who has given me so much, I relied on worldly pleasures to calm my anxieties.

Another area where I need to trust God more is in the area of finances. I have always worried about money. Now that I stay at home with our daughter and don't work outside the home, I find myself worrying even more. Instead of worrying, what I need to do is be thankful for what God has given me including: a husband who works hard to provide for our family, opportunities for me to earn extra money by working at home (Ebay, sewing, babysitting), and the desire to be a good steward with our money.

I'm still working on the last one. I pray for a heart that is willing (and eager!)to do without many luxuries that other people deem necessary. I don't need a new car or designer clothes or a vacation every year. Grace doesn't need the latest toy or Gap Kids fashion. And I don't need to obsess about the amount of money we have (or don't have) in retirement accounts or savings accounts. God has always provided our needs, sometimes despite unwise purchases. For this I am learning to be more and more thankful. I feel a responsibility to be a good steward of our money by budgeting wisely, thoughtfully spending money, tithing faithfully, and being willing to do without things I don't need. All while trusting in a wise God who is preparing a place for me in heaven.

I'm not saying it is wrong or sinful to buy luxury items or build wealth. I am talking about matters of the heart. Are we being good stewards of our money and trusting in God alone for our ultimate joy and happiness? This is tough, and I'm sure that I will always struggle with this to some degree in my lifetime. What a comfort it is to know that the tastiest Starbucks Venti White Chocolate Mocha or the prettiest Coldwater Creek jacket or the healthiest savings account doesn't begin to compare with the glory of my future home in heaven.

1 comment:

Kim said...

I came her from the link at Keeper of the Home. This was such a blessing. The Lord is doing the same kind of work in my heart. No matter how old you are, or what stage of life you are in, this is a lesson that has to be learned constantly and at different levels. Now, my children are beginning to go to college...