Wednesday, October 14, 2009

Works For Me – Coupon Binder


I’ve been wanting to put together a larger coupon binder for a while now, and I finally took the time to do it!  Up until now, I’ve used the Couponizer

The Couponizer System®

It’s worked fine and been worth the money I paid for it…but I’ve worn it out.  With lots of use it begins to fall apart, especially when you stuff in coupons from three or more Sunday papers every week. 

I decided to put my own notebook together, so I looked around on the internet for pictures of what works for other moms.  Then I got on EBay and ordered 30 plastic baseball card holders for $4.25.  I had planned on buying a Trapper Keeper so I could keep everything zipped up to minimize the coupons falling out, but I couldn’t pass up the cutest binder ever at Target the other day for $4.99.  So, here’s my completed binder!


Inside, the first pocket holds all of my weekly circulars.


The next pocket holds my lists, pens, and other small objects.


Then I place my coupons, divided by category, into the baseball card holders.

012I had enough holders to actually separate most of them by brand within each category.  Now, when I’m in the store, it only takes a second to see if I have a coupon for Bounty dryer sheets, instead of digging through a loose stack of “household cleaning” coupons and watching them fall all over the floor! 

When a friend saw my completed binder, she asked, “Do you carry that to the store every time?”  Yes, I do.  Couponing has saved us a lot of money over the years, and it’s worth the minor inconvenience of remembering to carry it with me!

Happy couponing!

For more Works For Me ideas, visit We Are THAT Family.


Michelle said...

I'd love to know what categories you use!

Anonymous said...

You are sooo cool. What a great idea. It almost makes me want to start clipping coupons again! LOL

Love it.

Joanna J. said...

I kept (mostly) the same categories that I was used to from the Couponizer. Here's my list:

Baking & Staples
Breakfast Foods
Canned Goods
Cleaning Products
Condiments & Spices
Dental Care
Frozen Foods
Health & Medicine
Household Maintenance
Men's Products
Paper & Plastics
Pasta & Quick Meals

I also have a section in the back where I store my CVS Extra Bucks, Walgreens Register Rewards, various certificates, store coupons, and restaurant coupons.

I used cheap sticky tabs to separate the categories.

Happy Couponing!

In Everything said...

I love my coupon binder was well:)

I splurged on my binder by getting a zipped up one! I've been sooo thankful it's a heavy duty one.... especially when the kids push it onto the floor:)

Coupon binders are soo great for organizing coupons and saving $!! Great to know there is another MOmma shopping with a binder!